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  • 07.09.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Urgently increasing digitalization of learning materials at the beginning of school year 2021-2022

On the morning of September 15th, 2021, MA. Nguyen Van Rang, Deputy Director in charge of Information and Library Center (ITC), said that up to that point, the ITC had digitized over 200 documents, mainly lectures, to serve students in the first semester of school year 2021-2022 and prepared over 136,000 other related digital reference documents.

Previously, in the August 2021 briefing, the rector directed the specialized Faculties and ITC to coordinate in uploading lectures to the digital library for the best condition preparation for teaching and learning in semester I school year 2020-2021, especially the online teaching plans if the COVID-19 epidemic continued to be complicated.

Following the direction of the Rector, Information Technology Center coordinated with specialized Faculties to conduct training on the use of digital libraries for lecturers, compiled lectures, especially lectures in semester I of school year 2021-2022, and uploaded them to the digital library. The Information Technology Center then edited the documents guiding the exploitation of the digital library, posted the instructions on the library website, created conditions for lecturers and students to easily exploit and use the digital library effectively before the new semester starting point.

Students could watch lectures online on the school’s digital library.

In the first half of September 2021, the Information Technology Center also prepared the necessary conditions for new students to easily access online learning tools and resources due to social distancing due to COVID-19, specifically: providing email accounts and training on the use of Google Meet, Microsoft Teams on the provided email accounts; Providing accounts and training students on the use of learning information management software on the School's training management system; Providing accounts and training on the use of digital library documents of Kien Giang University and Nha Trang University.

The Center for Information Technology trained freshmen to use online learning tools and exploit the digital library.

It was expected that by the end of September 2021, the Information Technology Center has digitized more than 8,000 documents to serve the learning and research of students and lecturers, contributing to improving the quality of teaching and learning of the University in the context of complicated developments of COVID-19.


Minh Hiếu translated.

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