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  • 18.06.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

59 students received certificates of training for managers of departments, divisions and equivalent.

Training course for managers at department, faculty and equivalent levels in 2022 aimed to foster basic knowledge and skills in management and develop management capacity, enable them to be proactive in leadership innovation to develop the University in the context of fundamental and comprehensive reform of education.

On December 27th, Kien Giang University coordinated with the Ho Chi Minh City School of Educational Administration to hold a closing ceremony for the training course for managing officials at department, faculty and equivalent levels in 2022.

Attended the closing ceremony Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh - Vice Rector of Kien Giang University; Dr. Le Dinh Huan - Deputy Head of Training Management and Science and Technology Department, HCM City School of Education Management with 59 students who are department and faculty managers at Kien Giang University.

According to statistics, the course included 59 students, of which: 17 students were holding Head and Deputy positions; 9 students were holding the position of Director and Deputy director of the Centers; 15 students were holding the positions of Deans and Vice deans; 16 students were holding the positions of Department Heads and Deputy heads and 2 students were in planning.

Ph.D. Le Dinh Huan - Deputy Head of Training Management and Science and Technology Department, HCM City School of Education Management evaluated students mainly between the ages of 30 and 45 with a lot of experiences in professional and management work, which was a strength to contribute to intellectual strength of the whole unit's training work.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh - Vice Rector of Kien Giang University showed: Resolution 29 on fundamental and comprehensive innovation in education and training required management staff to have adaptive capacity and appropriate skills, to know how to receive and apply many effective methods and means.

“The quality of the educational management staff was considered a foundation to successfully achieve the goal of educational quality. Kien Giang University with its educational philosophy: Creating a quality learning environment, for the development of the community, the role of the manager needs to be a pioneer, and a leader to create a happy learning environment.” – PhD. Nguyen Van Thanh said.

The course took place for 4 months, 360 lessons. Training in face-to-face and online forms with 5 modules, 19 topics: Vietnam's educational development path; Leadership and Management; State management of education and training; Management of universities and colleges; Skills to support university and college management; Regional specific knowledge, ...

At the end of the training course, HCM City School of Education Managing Officials awarded certificates of Training for Faculty and Department Managers to 59 students; Rewarding 6 students who won emulation titles.

Như Ngọc

(Translated by Minh Hiếu),-phong-va-tuong-duong-1000521.html



Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh - Vice Rector of Kien Giang University awarded certificates to students.

Dr. Le Dinh Huan - Deputy Head of Training Management and Science and Technology Department, HCM City School of Education Management awarded certificates to students.

Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh and PhD. Le Dinh Huan rewarded 6 students who won emulation titles.

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