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  • 23.07.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Tổ chức tập huấn công tác xây dựng chiến lược phát triển Trường Đại học Kiên Giang

Sáng ngày 1/7, Trường Đại học Kiên Giang đã tổ chức tập huấn online công tác xây dựng chiến lược phát triển Trường. Buổi tập huấn do GS. Nguyễn Lộc – Hiệu trưởng Trường Đại học Bà Rịa – Vũng Tàu tư vấn, hướng dẫn với sự tham dự của Ban Giám hiệu, Lãnh đạo các đơn vị trực thuộc Trường Đại học Kiên Giang.

On the morning of July 1st, Kien Giang University organized an online training session on building the University's development strategy. The training session was conducted by Prof. Nguyen Loc - Rector of Ba Ria - Vung Tau University, who advised and guided with the participation of the Board of Directors and leaders of units under Kien Giang University.

Overview of the online training session with the guidance of Professor. Nguyen Loc - Rector of Ba Ria - Vung Tau School.

Speaking at the training session, Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh - Rector of Kien Giang University hoped that with many years of experience working in an educational environment. Professor. Nguyen Loc was providing the school with many instructions to help develop further in the coming period.

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh - Rector of Kien Giang University spoke at the training session.

"Hopefully in the coming time, between Kien Giang University and Ba Ria - Vung Tau University there continues to be many connections and development towards the best strategy " - Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh said.

Prof. Nguyen Loc – Rector of Ba Ria - Vung Tau School guided the training.

In the morning of the same day, Professor. Nguyen Loc made contributions and overall opinions on vision and mission; Provided guidance on how to build and analyze the current situation of universities; How to plan time and length in building university strategies...


Minh Hiếu translated.

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