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  • 16.07.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

The conference summarized the 2019 enrollment work and deploys the direction of 2020 enrollment tasks.

On the afternoon of January 10th, Kien Giang University held a conference to summarize the enrollment work in 2019 and deployed the direction and tasks of enrollment in 2020. Attending the conference there were the Board of Directors and leaders of affiliated units.

Overview of the conference

According to the 2019 summary report, the Admissions Council received 1,414 applications for admission based on academic records and 1,372 applications for admission based on the results of the 2019 National High School Exam, among which, there were 1,002 sufficient candidates for admission.

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh – Rector of Kien Giang University moderated the conference.

In 2020, Kien Giang University planned to open 2 new university majors: Banking and Finance and Vietnamese Language and Vietnamese Culture, bringing the total enrollment to 16 majors, including 14 existing majors: professor mathematics, English language, accounting, environmental resource management, law, business administration, information technology, construction engineering technology, environmental engineering technology, biotechnology, engineering food technology, aquaculture, crop science, animal husbandry.

MSc. Phan Hoang Gieo - Deputy Head of the Department of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training reported summarizing the enrollment work in 2019.

Kien Giang University expected the enrollment target in 2020 to be 1,500, at a rate of 70% based on academic records; 20% were considered to be enrolled based on the results of the 2020 national high school exam and 10% were considered for admission by other methods.

Thus, the school was going to apply admission via 4 methods including: considering high school transcripts or equivalent; considering the results of the 2020 national high school exam; considering the results of the Competency Assessment Exam of Ho Chi Minh City National University; considering direct admission, considering priority admission: According to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

MSc. Nguyen Minh Tuan - Deputy Director of the Center for Human Resources Training and Job Introduction presented information on the enrollment leaflet at the Conference.

In addition, to meet the human resource needs of the Mekong Delta, Kien Giang University was going to link the 2+2 training program with Nha Trang University to add 6 majors: marine science; fisheries management; heat engineering; electrical and electronic engineering technology; automotive engineering; ship engineering.

Accordingly, when students were admitted according to this joint form, they would be trained for 2 years at Kien Giang University and 2 years at the affiliated University. University diplomas were issued according to affiliated units.

Giving a directive speech at the Conference, Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh - Rector - required units under the University to be proactive through all stages; dedicated and professional in admission work; develop specific plans and topics for communication work; need to proactively provide information about majors, majors, output standards, job positions after graduation to students, advise students on career orientation...


Minh Hiếu translated.

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