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  • 09.08.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Strengthening the supervision of the University Council of Kien Giang University in its activities

That was the opinion that received high consensus in the 9th meeting of the University Council, term 2019 - 2024.

On the morning of March 29th, Kien Giang University held the 9th meeting of the University Council, term 2019 - 2024. Dr. Dang Thanh Son - Chairman of the University Council chaired the meeting.

Overview of the 9th School Council meeting, term 2019 - 2024

The University Council approved the report on the results of the implementation of tasks in Quarter 1 and the direction and tasks in Quarter 2; the supervision report of the University Council in Quarter 1 of 2021.

Regarding the organization: implementing the Resolution of the 8th University Council, the University signed a decision to establish the Center for Technology Application and Entrepreneurship under Kien Giang University; changed the name of the Institute of Science, Technology and Training into the Center for General Training and Testing; planned for staff training, including plans of staff studying for Doctorate from then till 2025 and classes to improve political theory.

Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh - Vice Rector - reported on the results of Quarter 1's tasks and the direction and tasks for Quarter 2.

Training, testing and quality assurance: the implementation of teaching and testing for semester 2 was stable and on schedule according to the issued plan. The teaching plan for semester 3 was implemented and students completed course registration. The project to open 2 new training majors including: Tourism, Control and Automation Engineering was completed and submitted to the Ministry of Education and Training for approval.

The School's Construction Investment Project was being implemented according to plan, the completed construction items were being prepared for final settlement and submitted to the Ministry of Education and Training for approval; the school campus was being renovated and upgraded regularly, increasing the satisfaction of students and parents with the school.

Professor Ta Ngoc Don offered his contributive ideas at the meeting.

Scientific research and international cooperation: The school contacted and discussed to sign cooperation agreements with Indonesian Universities, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary, implemented the selection of ministerial-level topics in 2022, selected 6 topics from 21 proposals of lecturers/units to propose to the Ministry of Education and Training in 2022.

In addition, the School Council reviewed the proposals to open new major codes and sought opinions on opening the Preschool Education major code, which was a major code that met provincial human resource needs in Kien Giang and Mekong Delta region so as to expand enrollment in school year 2020-2021.

At the end of the meeting, the School Council unanimously voted to approve the contents of the report, comments of the Council members as well as the explanation of the Board of Directors; strengthened the role of examination and supervision of the professional committees under the School Council; requested the Board of Directors to prepare more complete documents and necessary information as a basis for the Council to consider and decide on the contents presented in the upcoming meetings.


Minh Hiếu translated.

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