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  • 27.07.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

School leaders encouraged students to promote the spirit of democracy and initiative in learning.

On the morning of December 21st, Kien Giang University held a Conference of Class Committees for 2020-2021 school year. Attending the conference there were the Board of Directors, leaders of units and over 100 students who were class committees.

The members chairing the Class Committee Conference for 2020 - 2021 school year

The conference was chaired by Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh - Rector, Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh - Vice Rector and MSc. Le Viet Khai - Head of Student Affairs and Community Connection Department. The conference was the time for class committees representing students to meet and have direct dialogues with the school and unit leaders on issues related to student affairs while studying at school such as: scholarships, social subsidies, financial support at school, tuition exemptions, credit loans; tuition fees, health insurance; training program contents; training plans; practice, internship; teaching and learning methods; learning materials; studying advisors’ work; school rules, regulations, and regulations for students; conditions of facilities, equipment, and libraries serving students’ teaching, learning, and scientific research.

Dr. Do Le Binh - Head of Faculty of Engineering and Technology answered students' questions

At the same time, they discussed issues related to the pedagogical environment and students’ life such as: behavioral culture in the school, dormitories, cafeterias, parking lots, arts, sports, extracurricular activities, and environmental sanitation.

Speaking at the Conference, the Rector requested that students needed to plan their entire course of study, then adjust it for each semester to have a good learning path. In particular, students needed to improve democracy and initiative in school through many ways such as: contributing ideas through suggestion boxes; meeting directly with functional departments to directly discuss problems that needed resolving promptly, ...

Students of Kien Giang University asked questions at the Conference.

Through the Conference, the school's leaders promptly grasped the students' thoughts, problems, difficulties and suggestions in studying, training and living, from which appropriate measures could be taken to resolve them within the scope of authorities and responsibilities, in order to create conditions for students to study well, practice well, since then contributing to teaching and learning quality improvement.


Minh Hiếu translated.

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