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  • 13.07.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

More than 550 officials and students of Kien Giang University participated in humanitarian blood donation.

Recently, Kien Giang University coordinated with the Kien Giang Provincial Blood Donation Steering Committee and the Provincial Hospital Hematology Center to organize the second humanitarian blood donation campaign in 2019 at the school.

Responding to the blood donation movement was a noble gesture. During this time, the University had more than 550 officials and students registering to participate in humanitarian blood donation, collecting 447 units of blood. Previously, the first phase of the school also organized a blood donation campaign with 350 students participating, donating 310 units of blood. Thus, in two campaigns, more than 900 officials, lecturers, union members, and youth of the University have participated in donating blood with a total of 857 blood units.

It is known that this year the Kien Giang University Youth Union's blood donation target allocated by the Steering Committee for Blood Donation Campaign of Kien Giang province is 1,200 units of blood. It is expected that the campaign will continue with phase 3 in November 2019.

Union members and young people participated in humanitarian blood donation.


Minh Hiếu translated.,-sinh-vien-Truong-Dai-hoc-Kien-Giang-tham-gia-hien-mau-nhan-dao-280.html


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