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  • 11.07.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Launching ceremony of Youth Month 2019

In an exciting atmosphere of the youth of the country competing to make achievements to celebrate the 88th anniversary of the founding of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (March 26th, 1931 - March 26th, 2019), the 50th anniversary implementing the will of President Ho Chi Minh (1969 - 2019), establishing achievements to welcome the Congress of Kien Giang University Delegates, term 2019 - 2022; promoting the proactive, volunteering, and creative role of young people in studying, training, and scientific research, promoting the "youth creativity" and "start-up" movements, on March 8th, 2019, Kien Giang University Delegation organized the Launching Ceremony of Youth Month 2019.

In an exciting atmosphere of the youth of the country competing to make achievements to celebrate the 88th anniversary of the founding of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (March 26th, 1931 - March 26th, 2019), the 50th anniversary implementing the will of President Ho Chi Minh (1969 - 2019), establishing achievements to welcome the Congress of Kien Giang University Delegates, term 2019 - 2022; promoting the proactive, volunteering, and creative role of young people in studying, training, and scientific research, promoting the "youth creativity" and "start-up" movements, on March 8th, 2019, Kien Giang University Delegation organized the Launching Ceremony of Youth Month 2019.

Panoramic view of the Youth Month Launch Ceremony hall.

Attending the launching ceremony of troops, on the side of Kien Giang provincial Union there were; Comrade To Thi Duy Linh, Member of Regular Board, Chief of Youth Committee of Kien Giang provincial Union; on the side of the school, there were: MSc. Nguyen Van Thanh, Vice Rector of the school; Trinh Le Hoang Tuan, Deputy Secretary of the school union; faculty leaders and over 900 youth union members, representing approximately 5,000 youth and union members of Kien Giang University.

Comrade Trinh Le Hoang Tuan, Deputy Secretary of school union launched the Youth Month launching ceremony.

At the ceremony, Comrade Trinh Le Hoang Tuan, Deputy Secretary of the school youth Union launched the 2019 Youth Month Launch Ceremony with the theme: "Youth of Kien Giang University volunteered for the community" with the purpose of directing the focus to the grassroots, ensuring practicality and attracting participation from youth members.

MSc. Nguyen Van Thanh, Vice Rector of the School gave a directive speech.

On behalf of the school, MSc. Nguyen Van Thanh, Vice Rector of the school, gave instructions: It was necessary to further promote the role of the youth union; The responsibilities of each union member in the development of the Union organization; At the same time, promoting the spirit of initiative and volunteerism of youth participating in security, social activities, building and protecting the country. The youth month launching ceremony must be actionable, practical, effective, and avoid ostentation and formality; It was necessary to propagate to youth members a right and complete awareness of the 2019 Youth Month volunteering for the community.

MSc. Nguyen Van Thanh, Deputy Rector of KG University awarded Certificates of Merit to outstanding Youth Union members in Youth Union work in 2018.

At the end of the launching ceremony, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Youth Union, the Representative of the school's Board of Directors and the Youth Union members carried out renovating the landscape and taking care of the trees in campus.


Minh Hiếu translated.

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