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  • 09.06.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Kien Giang University worked with Aureole CSD Company

Kien Giang University is an application-oriented training university. The school always focuses on linking and building bridges with businesses to expand the space to experience learning from practice and flexibly approach in human resource training; promote creativity, innovation and development through research and education.

In order to create opportunities for cooperation in research and training, on the morning of October 12th , Kien Giang University held a working session with Aureole CSD Company.

Overview of the working session between the two units

The working group of Aureole CSD Company was led by Mr. Miura Shuhei - Chairman of the Board of Members accompanied by the members. Welcoming the group there was Dr. Nguyen Trung Cang - Vice Rector of Kien Giang University, together with leader of Faculty of Engineering - Technology, leader of Information Center - Library and leader of Department of Student Affairs and Community Connection.

Dr. Nguyen Trung Cang - Vice Rector of Kien Giang University delivered a welcome speech.

Speaking at the working session, Dr. Nguyen Trung Cang said: Kien Giang University is an application-oriented training university. The school always focuses on linking and building bridges with businesses to expand the space for practical learning experiences, flexible approach in human resource training; promote creativity, innovation and development through research and education.

Mr. Miura Shuhei - Chairman of the Board of Members of Aureole CSD Company desired to sign an MOU with Kien Giang University.

At the meeting, the two units discussed cooperation in such areas as training, sharing research of topics related to the construction field; creating opportunities for students to have many exchange activities with businesses during their studies; organizing students to come to companies for internships and recruiting students after graduation...

Kien Giang University and Aureole CSD Company took souvenir photos at the working session

To create a strong cooperative and developing relationship, the two units have agreed to sign a memorandum of cooperation in the time to come.

Như Ngọc

(Translated by Minh Hiếu)

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