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  • 11.07.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Kien Giang University visited and wished New Year 2019.

In the jubilant atmosphere of celebrating the Year of the Pig - 2019, recently representatives of Kien Giang University paid a visit and wished New Year to a number of agencies and departments under Kien Giang province. The visiting delegation included Comrade Thai Thanh Luom - Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the School; Comrade Vu Ngoc Phuoc - Deputy Head of Legal Inspection Department, Comrade Doan Hong Loc - Head of Equipment and Project Management Department, Comrade Nguyen Huu Tho - Head of Testing and Assurance Department quality assurance.

Comrade Giang Van Phuc, Provincial Party Committee member, Chief of the Provincial Party Committee Office

In addition, the visiting delegation also had a visit and gave Tet gifts to the families of some former comrades who were leaders of Kien Giang province: Comrade Truong Quoc Tuan, former Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Kien Giang province, Comrade Lam Kien Tri, former Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Kien Giang province, Comrade Nguyen Van Cau, former Chairman of Kien Giang Provincial People's Committee.

Happy New Year to Comrade Nguyen Van Cau's family

This visit was an opportunity for everyone to wish them good health on the occasion of the new year, to strengthen solidarity between units and also to review memories with retired leaders. It was very touching to have a comrade who, because of his old age and weak health, could not talk but still expressed his joy when his colleagues came to visit. Representatives of the visiting delegation from Kien Giang University sent the former leaders spiritual encouragement gifts and heartfelt wishes for health. Handshakes were more valuable now than ever.

Happy New Year to Comrade Truong Quoc Tuan's family

Happy New Year to Comrade Lam Kien Tri's family

Besides visiting and wishing New Year to other units, Kien Giang University also received attention and visits from many units. Especially on February 8th, 2019, Kien Giang University was honored to welcome Mr. Le Thanh Tac, counselor of the Vietnamese Embassy in Phnom Penh, to visit and wish him a happy new year.


Minh Hiếu translated.,-chuc-tet-nhan-dip-nam-moi-2019-212.html

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