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  • 06.07.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Kien Giang University strengthened support policies of training and fostering officials.

Kien Giang University Council has just held the 24th meeting, term 2019 - 2024. Attending the meeting there were Mr. Pham Van Sinh - Deputy Director of Facilities Department (Ministry of Education & Training); Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the School Council and members.

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh said that the Council of Kien Giang University has passed a Resolution on policies to support training and fostering of officials working at Kien Giang University. Supporting, motivating and encouraging officials to perform well in training and fostering knowledge, skills and expertise in professional activities contributed to building a team of professional and highly-qualified officials to meet the requirements of Kien Giang University development.

“The policy of supporting training and fostering helps the school strengthen its highly-qualified team, improve stability and flexibility in activities carried out in educational and training tasks, meeting the development needs; At the same time, a team of qualified officials have been being prepared for the development phase" - Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh said.

Kien Giang University highly agreed on support policy of training, fostering officials.

Accordingly, officials sent/allowed to take part in training course will have their incomes guaranteed like present officials on duties at Kien Giang University, including: salary support, allowances according to State regulations, additional income according to the school's internal expenditure regulations.

After completing training and fostering, officials with the title of Professor will receive a support of 150 million VND from the University, and 100 million VND for officials with the title of Associate Professor. The school will support 60 million VND for officials with doctorate degrees abroad, and 40 million VND for officials with doctorate degrees in land. For a Master's degree each official holds, the University will support from 25 million VND to 15 million VND.

In addition, officials nominated/allowed to participate in training at master's level or higher, when receiving a document recognizing their degree ahead of time according to the Decision on appointment/permission to attend training for the first time will receive an additional support of 10 million VND.


Minh Hiếu translated.,-boi-duong-vien-chuc--1000870.html


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