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  • 22.05.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Kien Giang University brought Mid-Autumn Festival to children in disadvantaged areas.

Education & Age - Kien Giang University union and Student Association organized Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for children in hardships.

Children excitedly enjoyed the Mid-Autumn Festival at the program.

2023 Loving Mid-Autumn Festival program for children in hardship was launched by the Kien Giang University Youth Union and Student Association to share the joy of Mid-Autumn Festival with children in remote areas of Kien Giang province and create a warm, connected, and loving play space.

The school union and Student Association of Kien Giang University organized Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for children in hardship in Vinh Thanh commune (Giong Rieng district), Thanh Loc commune (Chau Thanh district), Thanh Loc commune (Chau Thanh district), and Thanh Loc commune (Chau Thanh district). Binh Minh (Vinh Thuan), Kien Giang province.

The children enthusiastically participated in Loving Mid-Autumn Festival Program.

This time, the Youth Union and Student Association of Kien Giang University gave away 150 cake gifts and 150 lanterns; 500 notebooks, 20 insurance cards, worth over 25 million VND.

Holding the gifts in her hands, Thi Thuy Sang, a pupil of grade 5/1, Vinh Thanh Primary School, was happy: "I'm very happy to receive so many gifts like this. I thank the teachers for giving me these gifts." The Mid-Autumn Festival is meaningful and memorable. I will try to study well."

Kien Giang University presented a gift plaque to representatives of Vinh Thanh commune, Giong Rieng district, Kien Giang.

According to Master Trinh Le Hoang Tuan - Secretary of Kien Giang University Youth Union, Loving Mid-Autumn Festival Program was launched by Kien Giang University Youth Union, calling for support and contributions from sponsors from the beginning of August, wishing to share the joy of Mid-Autumn Festival with children, especially children in hardship, disabled children and orphans in Kien Giang province.

In addition, Kien Giang University Faculty Unions also simultaneously deployed many fun Mid-Autumn Festival activities for children in hardship in Kien Giang province and social protection centers with a total value of 10 million dong.

Ngọc Mai

(Translated by Minh Hiếu)

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