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  • 08.08.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Kien Giang University announced Decision on Human Resources Attraction Policy for the school.

KG University (Kien Giang University) has just successfully organized a Conference to propagate and disseminate the school’s human resource attraction policy until 2025 and announced decisions to attract human resources to work at the school.

Attending the Conference there were Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh - Party Committee Secretary, Chairman of the School Council, members of the Board of Directors and all staff of the school. At the Conference, Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh, representing the school’s leaders, briefly disseminated the primary content of the policy to attract human resources to work at his school until 2025.

Photo 1. Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh summarized the policy content.

Attracted people meeting the general conditions and standards according to regulations will inherit the following support regimes:

Attraction to develop training programs supported in cash:

       + Professor academic title:             400,000,000 VND (Four hundred million VND).

       + Associate Professor title:             350,000,000 VND

                                                                 (Three hundred and fifty million VND).

       + Doctorate:                                      300,000,000 VND (Three hundred million VND).

- Attraction to increase training resources supported in cash:

        + Professor title:                               200,000,000 VND (Two hundred million VND).

        + Associate Professor title:             150,000,000 VND

                                                             (One hundred and fifty million VND).

        + Doctorate:                                      100,000,000 VND (One hundred million VND).

In addition, those attracted under the policy are also supported with accommodation and other preferential regimes to complete assigned tasks well and create favorable conditions during their work at the school.

In this Conference, the School announced the Decision to inherit the human resource attraction policy for 02 officials: Dr. Nguyen Manh Cuong and Dr. Le Thi Hong – also lecturers at Pedagogy and Social Sciences Faculty.

Photo 2. Dr. Le Thi Hong, representative of the policy beneficiaries, spoke at the Conference.

Photo 3. School leaders presented the Decision on attracting personnel to the staff.

Kien Giang University improved the quality of its staff through training policies, retaining local staff and attracting highly qualified staff from outside the school in a synchronous manner. This was one of the right directions to achieve the orientation of striving to become a smart university associated with university autonomy.

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Minh Hiếu translated.

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