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  • 08.07.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Kien Giang University Party Committee strengthened connection and dialogue with post-graduate students abroad.

On the evening of November 22nd, 2023, Kien Giang University Party Committee organized a Dialogue Conference between the Standing Party Committee of the University and university officials who have been studying abroad as graduate students.

Dialogue Conference between the Standing Party Committee of the University and 2023 post-graduate students abroad.

The conference took place online at many locations with the participation of School Leaders: Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the School Council; Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh - Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice Rector in charge with 14 officials who have been doing their post graduating in other countries.

Currently, Kien Giang University includes 30 post-graduate students, among whom there are 14 graduate students studying in countries such as Germany, Belgium, Poland, Hungary, Indonesia, India, China, and Taiwan.

14 post-graduate students participated in the Dialogue Conference between the Standing Party Committee of the University and 2023 post-graduate students abroad.

The purpose of the Conference was to communicate and exchange with post-graduate students the thoughts, aspirations, difficulties, problems and received feedbacks of post-graduate students in the process of studying administrative procedures, party activities, funding to support the implementation of scientific articles, facilities, experimental practice areas, public houses, policy regimes, emulation rankings, ...

At the conference, lecturers who have been studying for post-graduate students expressed their joy and warmth and sent their thanks to the Party Committee and School Board of Directors for creating a meeting to exchange, show interest, share with the staff studying abroad.

Speaking at the conference conclusion, Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the School Council said that the school would have planning regimes and policies in the near future to make it more convenient for post-graduate students; Improve the quality of training, teaching, scientific research, and create operating conditions for graduate students in Party activities; At the same time, consider increasing funding to support scientific articles and simplifying administrative procedures for post-graduate students abroad in the spirit of international integration.

“Kien Giang University wished to expand relationships, cooperation, linkages, exchanges, and sharing experiences from professors of post-graduate students abroad. The school encouraged post-graduate students to create bridges, connections, and strengthen human resources from other countries, creating strong research groups and groups" - Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh said.


Minh Hiếu translated.,-doi-thoai-voi-nghien-cuu-sinh-tai-nuoc-ngoai-1000715.html

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