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  • 02.06.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Hội nghị Đối thoại giữa lãnh đạo Nhà trường với sinh viên năm học 2023-2024 (đợt 2)

Ngày 23/5, Trường Đại học Kiên Giang tổ chức Hội nghị “Đối thoại giữa lãnh đạo Nhà trường với sinh viên” năm học 2023-2024 (đợt 2). Đây là hoạt động thường niên nhằm giải đáp các ý kiến, kiến nghị của sinh viên cũng như hỗ trợ, cung cấp các thông tin liên quan đến sinh viên để nâng cao chất lượng dạy và học trong Nhà trường.

Attending and chairing the conference there was Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh - Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice Rector in charge together with representatives of leaders of Departments, Faculties, Centers, Secretary of the School Youth Union, Secretary of the Student Union and representatives of class management.

School leaders dialogued with students.

At the conference, representatives of leaders of Departments, Faculties, and Centers within the University satisfactorily answered many students' questions related to such issues as: training management system; The scholarship program; projector and camera system; internet, movement activities, Unions - Associations; dormitory, parking area...

Students participated in contributing their ideas at the conference.

Speaking at the closing of the conference, Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh acknowledged the students' contributions and feedback having been sent to the school's leaders. Meanwhile, it is emphasized that the school always listened to feedback and contributive opinions to the school so that the school might develop further. In the coming time, the school will make improvements and changes based on the opinions, contributions and exchanges of students at the conference to further improve the quality, training as well as service mission in campus.

Through the conference, necessary information was provided and answered to students, ensuring two-way communication between students and the school, promoting democracy in the school.

Như Ngọc 

(Translated by Minh Hiếu)

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