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  • 04.09.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Hội khuyến học Trường hỗ trợ học phí cho sinh viên gặp khó khăn bởi dịch Covid-19

Thông qua gói hỗ trợ Nhà trường mong muốn tạo điều kiện thuận lợi để các sinh viên bước vào năm học mới mà không bị áp lực về học phí trong bối cảnh dịch Covid-19 còn đang diễn biến phức tạp.

Through the support package, the school hoped to create favorable conditions for students to enter the new school year without pressure on tuition fees in the context of the complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic.

On September 18th, Dr. Dang Thanh Son - Chairman of the School Council, Chairman of the Learning Promotion Association of Kien Giang University, said that in order to share, accompany and help students affected by the Covid-19 epidemic to enter the new school year (2021-2022), Learning Promotion Association of Kien Giang University was deploying a 250 million VND package to support students to complete their tuition payment.

Dr. Dang Thanh Son - Chairman of the University Council, Chairman of the Education Promotion Association of Kien Giang University received a symbolic plaque from a benefactor contributing to the school's education promotion fund at the Opening Ceremony of the 2020-2021 school year.

The priority recipients of support, sponsorship this school year included: students or students’ families with victim infected with Covid-19 (F0, F1); families in hardship; students with excellent academic achievements, ... With a maximum support level of 5 million VND/student (equivalent to 1 semester's tuition fee). At the same time, a fund was being set up to reward students who volunteered to participate and achieve achievements in epidemic prevention work.

"With the motto of not leaving any students behind, through the support package, the University hoped to create favorable conditions for students to enter the new school year without pressure on tuition fees in the context of the complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic. Kien Giang University Association for the Promotion of Education was considering student applications, giving priority to students who were F0, F1 affected by Covid-19 for support first. Students were returning the support to the Association for the Promotion of Education before their graduation, to create a source of funding to continue to maintain and support other students in other hardships" - Dr. Dang Thanh Son said.

Currently, the School's Association for the Promotion of Education also received many applications from students in need of support and was mobilizing all resources from benefactors, businesses, teachers and alumni to contribute and support costs for students and parents in the context of the epidemic affecting and causing many difficulties, contributing to helping students feel secure in their studies, and no student had to drop out of school due to lack of financial conditions.


Minh Hiếu translated.

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