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  • 22.08.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu


Kien Giang University has just announced the admission score and is accepting applications for candidates who have been officially admitted to the school. According to the method of considering high school graduation exam scores, the highest admission score to Kien Giang University is 28.16.

Compared to last year, this year's admission score has increased in several majors, especially majors in the field of Education and Teacher Training. Specifically, at Kien Giang University, according to the method of considering high school graduation exam scores, Mathematics Pedagogy accepts 28.16 points, Primary Education accepts 27.53 points. The remaining majors range from 15.00 to 1800 points.

Photo 1. 2024 University Admissions Scores

In 2024, University of Economics and Business will enroll 25 majors with a total enrollment of 1,942 of which 3 new majors are Multimedia Communications, E-commerce, and Preschool Education. Kien Giang University will accept applications from August 18th to August 27th, 2024. On the first days, many candidates came to submit their applications for admission procedures. Majors with high admission rates on the first days are Information Technology, Law, Business Administration, Law, Vietnamese Language and Culture, and Plant Science.

Photo 2. Photos of candidates completing their admission procedures

Immediately after receiving official admission information, candidates need to quickly confirm their admissions online on the Ministry of Education and Training's Information Portal and submit their admission applications directly to the University. To avoid losing their rights, candidates need to comply with the regulations on admission applications, especially important milestones.


Minh Hiếu translated.

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