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  • 10.07.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Awarding 30-year badge of Party membership

On the afternoon of March 8th, 2019, Kien Giang University Party Committee solemnly held a ceremony to award the 30-year Party badge to comrade Thai Minh Lam - Secretary of the Administrative Cell of Kien Giang University Party Committee.

Comrade Nguyen Van Tuot awarded the 30-year Party badge to Comrade Thai Minh Lam.

Attending the ceremony, on the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Group, there was Comrade Nguyen Van Tuot, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Group; On the side of the school, there were: Comrade Thai Thanh Luom - Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the School; Comrade Nguyen Tuan Khanh, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee - Vice Rector of the School; Secretaries of the Party cells under the school, and all Party members of the Administrative cell.

Comrade Nguyen Van Tuot, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies, expressed his opinion.

Comrade Nguyen Van Tuot, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies, awarded the 30-year Party badge to comrade Thai Minh Lam, and congratulated Comrade Thai Minh Lam on receiving the badge this time. The Party also clearly stated: The Party badge award ceremony was the Party's recognition of each party member making contributions to the Party. This was both an honor and a responsibility. He suggested comrade Thai Minh Lam to continue to train and further promote the pioneering role of a loyal, indomitable, exemplary, as a pure Party member, upholding revolutionary traditions.

Comrade Thai Minh Lam expressed his opinion and signed the Party Badge award book.

At the ceremony, comrade Thai Minh Lam expressed his honor to receive the 30-year Party badge, vowing to devote all his strength and intelligence to contribute his efforts to building the Party in the Administrative Cell as well as the Party of Kien Giang University Committee;

This was also a reminder that each Party member needed to further improve their political bravery, sense of responsibility, spirit of striving, training in revolutionary ethics, sense of discipline and internal solidarity, and contributed to build a clean and strong Party.

Comrade Nguyen Phuoc Quy Tuong expressed his opinion.

Speaking at the ceremony, comrade Nguyen Phuoc Quy Tuong expressed his appreciation for the contributions of comrade Thai Minh Lam with the 30-year Party badge for the Party's revolutionary career, which was protecting and building the country as well as the developing Kien Giang University Party Committee in general and of the Administrative Party Committee in particular.


Minh Hiếu translated.


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