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  • 18.07.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Announcing the decision to recognize the School Council, Chairman of the School Council, Rector, and reappointing Vice Rector of Kien Giang University for the 2019 - 2024 term.

On the morning of February 24th, at Kien Giang University, a solemn ceremony took place to announce the decision to recognize the School Council, Chairman of the School Council, Rector, and re-appoint Vice Rector of Kien Giang University, to the post of Vice Rector of Kien Giang University period 2019 - 2024.

Overview of the ceremony awarding the decision to recognize the School Council, Chairman of the School Council, Rector, and reappointign Vice Rector of Kien Giang University, term 2019 - 2024.

Attending the ceremony there were Mr. Ta Ngoc Don - Director of the Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Ministry of Education and Training; Mr. Canh Chi Dung - Deputy Director of the Department of Personnel Organization; Ms. Bui Thi Trong - Deputy Head of the Kien Giang Provincial Party Committee's Organizing Committee; representatives of colleges and universities inside and outside Kien Giang province and all officials, employees, lecturers, and employees throughout the school.

At the ceremony, Mr. Canh Chi Dung - Deputy Director of the Department of Personnel Organization awarded Decision No. 68/QD-BGDDT by the Minister of Education and Training on recognizing the Rector of Kien Giang University for the 2019 – 2024 term to Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh replacing Associate Professor, PhD. Thai Thanh Luom who reached the end of his management years.

Mr. Canh Chi Dung - Deputy Director of the Department of Personnel Organization and Ms. Bui Thi Trong - Deputy of the Organizing Committee of Kien Giang Provincial Party Committee awarded the decision to recognize the Rector and gave congratulatory flowers to Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh.

At the same time, at the ceremony, other decisions such as the decision to recognize the School Council including 25 members; the decision to recognize the Chairman of the School Council for Dr. Dang Thanh Son and the decision to re-appoint Vice Rector for Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh was also announced and given to relevant individuals.

Mr. Canh Chi Dung - Deputy Director of the Department of Personnel Organization and Ms. Bui Thi Trong - Deputy of the Organizing Committee of Kien Giang Provincial Party Committee awarded the recognition decision and gave congratulatory flowers to 25 members of the School Council.

Mr. Canh Chi Dung - Deputy Director of the Department of Personnel Organization and Mr. Ta Ngoc Don - Director of the Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Education and Training awarded the decision to recognize the Chairman of the School Council and gave flowers to congratulate Dr. Dang Thanh Son.

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh - Rector and Dr. Dang Thanh Son - Chairman of the School Council handed over the decision to reappoint the Vice Rector to Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh.

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh was born on February 1st, 1969 (originating in Giong Rieng district, Kien Giang province). During his work, Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh held many leadership positions in agencies in Kien Giang province, specifically: Vice Rector of Technical Economics Intermediate School, Deputy Head of Kien Giang Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Vice Rector of Kien Giang University.

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh - Rector of Kien Giang University delivered his acceptance speech.

Speaking to take over the task, Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh affirmed that the Board of Directors would continue with all officers, employees, lecturers, and employees of the school to be determined, concentrate their intelligence, energy, and experience to further promote the spirit of solidarity, responsibility, working together to successfully complete assigned tasks, aiming for sustainable, high-quality development, strongly attracting learners inside and outside the province and from neighboring countries in the region’ participation.

Some other photos at the ceremony: 


Minh Hiếu translated.,-Chu-tich-Hoi-dong-truong,-Hieu-truong,-bo-nhiem-lai-Pho-Hieu-truong-Truong-Dai-hoc-Kien-Giang-nhiem-ky-2019---2024-390.html


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