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  • 18.05.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Kien Giang University designed teaching aids.

On May 13th, Kien Giang University organized Teaching Aids Design Competition Selection. This contest was a part of a series of activities to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Kien Giang University establishment (May 21st, 20214 - May 21st, 2024).

The jury marked the car starting system model of Sir. Nguyen Van Manh Khuong.

The contest was launched from the end of December 2023 to April 2024. Contest participants were lecturers/groups of lecturers belonging to different trade unions designing teaching aids associated with their unit's teaching activities.

Products were self-designed equipment serving instruction tasks such as simulating models, laboratory equipment, simulating software, imaginary experiments based on digital platforms, ...

Aquaponic model: Vegetable growing and fish farming combination by MSc. Nguyen Van Phuoc - Deputy Head of Agronomy Department,

Faculty of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Through the preliminary round, there were 9 models that met the criteria set by the Organization and received financial support worth 3 mil VND/product including: Car starting system, Beam tube heat transfer device, Micro-controller circuit with integrated peripheral communication module, environmental temperature and humidity monitoring simulating system via WOKWI online platform, urban housing architecture, fish incubation system model in water circulation, Aquaponic model: vegetable growing and fish farming combination, Magic wheel, video English lecture system "English Master Journey".

Some photos of the contest

Dr. Ngo Van Thien - Kien Giang University Chairman of the Grassroots Trade Union said that the Jury Board highly appreciated the results achieved through the competed teaching aid design models. These models met such criteria set by the Organization as course requirements, pedagogic, aesthetic, efficient, and economical features, and demonstrated creativity in each product. Through the contest, the school expected besides theoretical learning, students also learned via practical models, assisting them to further interact, which brings about high effectiveness in their learning.


(Translated by Minh Hiếu)

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