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  • 18.07.2024 | Danh Thị Minh Hiếu

Tổ chức họp giao ban trực tuyến rà soát kết quả hoạt động Quý I/2020

Giữa tình hình dịch bệnh đang diễn ra và thực hiện nghiêm Chỉ thị số 16/CT-TTg của Thủ tướng Chính phủ về việc thực hiện các biện pháp cấp bách phòng, chống dịch COVID-19, Trường đã tổ chức cuộc họp giao ban rà soát kết quả hoạt động Quý I bằng hình thức trực tuyến (Online).

Amid the ongoing epidemic situation and strictly implementing Directive No. 16/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister on the implementation of urgent measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic, the University organized a brief meeting, reviewing the first quarter's operating results online.

On the afternoon of April 3rd, Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khanh - Rector, said that in order to ensure the thorough direction and administration of the Board of Directors for the general activities of the school (affiliated units), the brief meeting to review the results of operation of the first quarter activities was implemented in the form of online.

Online first quarter brief meeting interface

This was not the first time this online form had been applied. Previously, in early March, when the epidemic situation began to become complicated in Vietnam, the Board of Directors directed the implementation of online teaching and learning to ensure the learning schedule, which would not affect greatly the general training plan of the school.

 In addition to reporting the first quarter activities and mission directions for April and the coming time, meeting participants contributed full and enthusiastic opinions.

Thereby, the Board of Directors praised a number of groups that had implemented tasks and completed them well and proposed a number of solutions and key tasks in the coming time such as: Ensuring online teaching and learning until there was notice that students could come to school; Deploying communicative work to serve 2020 enrollment and a number of other key tasks to ensure the general operation of the school in terms of planning - finance, beautifying of the school campus, and cooperating in exploitation and using land, applying IT in training and management, inspection - legislation, science and technology, quality assurance in 2020.

The meeting ended successfully. The Board of Directors considered this was a form that should be applied even when the epidemic ended in the near future to ensure timely direction and administration in important meetings and necessary but the Board of Directors or participating members could not come to the meeting room for some reason.

Some photos at the meeting



Minh Hiếu translated.

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